At the March 14 Enfield Town Board meeting, the Board passed a resolution to hold a vote on the moratorium on unconventional gas drilling that Town Lawyer, Guy Krogh, has prepared. However, before such a vote can take place, a public hearing must beheld.  This has been scheduled for March28th at 6:30 at the Enfield Elementary School.

The moratorium can be read here:

Here’s a bit of a reminder about how the process that has been unfolding works.  The November 30th public hearing that many of you attended enabled the Board to ask the Town Attorney to draft the moratorium language.  The moratorium is now ready.  The hearing on March 28th is where the community tells the Town that they support the moratorium as written.

While ENSAW still supports a ban of hydrofracking per the petition you signed and will continue to work toward it, we believe that implementing this one-year moratorium is a solid and important first step toward protecting Enfield.

Once the moratorium is in place, the Board will have many projects to complete before the moratorium expires … a road use law, an aquifer study, a revision of our comprehensive plan, a revised site review plan, and, we hope, implementation of a full ban.  This is a lot of work and they will need support and time from many of us to help make it happen.  (ENSAW will continue to inform you of opportunities to get involved in this process as information becomes available.)

You can view the February 29, 2012 event where Guy Krogh presented the draft moratorium and Board members and Town residents asked questions about it at:
Enfield Information Session- One-Year Moratorium

You can read The Town of Caroline’s FAQ about their gas drilling moratorium,
much of which applies to Enfield, at:

Town of Caroline Moratorium FAQ

Public Hearing on a
One Year Moratorium on Unconventional Gas Drilling
in the Town of Enfield
Wednesday, March 28th, 6:30 PM
at the Enfield Elementary School