Are you still using incandescent light bulbs?
Would you like to save money and use less electricity?
LED light bulbs are an excellent solution!

Many people looked at LED light bulbs a few years ago and didn’t like the quality of light they produced. The technology is now vastly improved and the current LED light bulbs look GREAT! They contain no mercury (unlike compact fluorescents). They’re dimmable. And they’re made in a large va- riety of wattages and shapes.

Why make the switch? 
You’ll both save money AND contribute to a cleaner environment!

At the present a 60-watt-equivalent LED bulb that lasts for 25,000 hours can cost as little as $1.75. A 60-watt incandescent bulb costs a bit less up front, but lasts only 1/25th as long! And the cost of LED bulbs is dropping all the time.

You also save big on electricity. Here’s a bit of rough calculation showing annual savings based on 3 hours of use per day per 60 watt equivalent LED bulb at $.11 per kWh. Note that the numbers are changing all the time, in favor of the consumer!

Number of bulbs            Annual electricity savings
  1 --------------------------------> $     9.73
  5 --------------------------------> $   48.63
10 --------------------------------> $   97.27
15 --------------------------------> $ 145.90
20 --------------------------------> $ 194.54 
30 --------------------------------> $ 291.80
40 --------------------------------> $ 389.07 

So why not?!